Committed for the healing of women and girls

The post war Tigrai health of GBV survivors (henceforth Tsewarat or T), the concomitant fistula, Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP), cervical cancer and others need to be addressed holistically. The mental health status or PTSD is a huge challenge requiring life skills training and rehabilitation to integration or reintegration to their community. We have designed a package of “Restitutio ad integruum’ approach pursuant to the ethical standards of the health profession. That is what Selaam plus means in the Tigrinya anguage to all survivors, namely GBV, fistula, pelvic organ prolapse and cervical cancer survivors. The term Selaam and the subsequent Selaam project was conceived by the late Belqis W.Giorgis (PhD) on her death throes recommending to us to learn from the Panzi Model of Dr. Denis Mukwege of DRC, where she had a helping hand as a professional consultant. Tsewarat is a Tigrinya term that befits the English expression of survivors (literally resilient survivors).Despite the enormity and complexity faced by the survivors; they did not only survive but endured. That is what Tsewarat stands for and that is what we, the founding members of the CSO Selaam plus, as professionals witness in our everyday encounter and practice.

What we do

Availing healing hands and words.

Obstetric Fistula

The prevalence rate of Fistula in Ethiopia was reported to be 1% but that of Tigrai spiked to 1.6 % perhaps mainly due to the recent genocidal war where 120,000 were gang raped by ...

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)

Our rapid assessment in parts of Tigrai showed the enormity of POP–about 7500 POPs in the territories under the interim administration (60% of the territory of the state).

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War Related GBV

Selaam plus could say more from own sources but refrained to do so in order to increase credibility of the women‟s plight in Tigrai. The UN Human Right Report was based on secondary sources and limits the number of survivors to 1000. That is a far cry.

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